Brake Failure Truck Accidents in Phoenix

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Trucks move with an incredible amount of force behind them. When an 18-wheeler stops, it takes a great deal of effort to bring the vehicle to a halt, and when that does not happen, it can create a serious risk of injury to anyone in the way of the truck. Brake failure truck accidents can have devastating results and a Phoenix truck accident attorney can be of assistance.

Brake Failure Truck Accidents Are Not Uncommon

Brake failures are not uncommon in truck accidents. Data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shows that this is one of the most common causes of serious truck accidents across the US, accounting for as much as 29% of all trucking accidents.

Brake failures often result in serious injury and loss for victims, which is why they are so important for trucking companies to prevent whenever possible. Most of the time, these accidents are, in fact, preventable.

brake failure truck accidents Phoenix

What Causes Brake Failures in Trucks?

Brake failures occur for various reasons, depending on the unique circumstances present. However, the following are some of the most common reasons such failures happen.

  • Malfunction in the design. It is possible that a truck’s brakes will fail because the manufacturer did not design them properly or manufacture them in a safe manner. If that occurs, the manufacturer could be held liable for the incident.
  • Imbalances in the truck. A secondary factor that could cause brake failure is an imbalance. If the wheels are imbalanced due to changes in the way the truck is operating or due to unequal force on both sides of the vehicle, a malfunction can occur.
  • Brake overheating accidents. There are some situations in which the brakes can overheat, causing them to fail when the driver presses on them. Though this is less common, it is a leading cause of runaway trucks when drivers cannot stop them.
  • Residue in air reservoirs: Commercial trucks can sometimes develop air within the reservoirs, which can make hydraulic brakes ineffective. If there is any oil or moisture contamination, this can cause the brakes to file.
  • Poor brake shoe alignment. Brakes may also fail due to poor brake pads or shoes, including improper application of new ones or failures of older products.

Other potential causes of brake features in large trucks include defective designs, poor lubrication of the brakes, and the wrong application of brakes. In many situations, victims in a truck accident have no idea what caused the incident, and it will take some careful consideration and investigation by an attorney and federal agencies to find out what happened so that those who are responsible can be held accountable.

What to Do After a Truck Brake Failure Causes You Injuries

If you are in a brake failure truck accident, or you suspect that to be the case, seek a legal team who can guide you in pursuing legal action against the truck driver, trucking company, manufacturer, or other parties that could be responsible for the injuries and losses you have. These are complicated and technical cases that require the insight and support of an experienced truck accident attorney.

Contact the Phoenix injury attorneys at Sargon Law Group for a free consultation if you were in a brake failure truck accident. Let us investigate and find out who was negligent and put you in this horrible situation with injuries and other losses.