Car Accident Crush Injuries in Phoenix

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Victims of a car accident face the potential of numerous types of injuries, including crushing accidents. In situations where a driver is hit by another vehicle or that driver’s car is compressed between others, this can lead to life-threatening injuries. Understanding what can cause car accident crust injuries and why they happen may help you build a case against those who caused your injuries. A Phoenix car accident attorney can help you file a claim.

car accident crush injuries in Phoenix

What Is a Car Accident Crush Injury?

A car accident crushing accident happens when a part of the body is under significant pressure for a period of time. This may happen in a car accident when a leg or arm is pinned under debris or under the steering wheel. This type of crushing can not just break the bones present there but crush them, creating multiple fractures and smaller pieces.

Crushing injuries like this are complex. They are:

  • Harder to recover from
  • More likely to lead to chronic pain and injury
  • May result in amputations
  • Can lead to fatal outcomes if a person does not get treatment immediately

Why Do Crushing Accidents Happen?

Car accident crush injuries can occur in various scenarios, but they tend to be very obvious injuries. Most of the time, speed is a factor. It is the amount of speed that causes the vehicle to impact the other driver with enough force to cause that driver to become crushed beneath the weight of the truck or car.

An underride collision is a very common cause of crushing injuries. This type of injury occurs when a driver rides under the truck tractor because there is nothing to stop them from doing so. For example, the truck driver stops fast and hard at a light. The vehicle behind the truck cannot stop fast enough. They strike the back of the truck and continue head-on under the body of the truck. In doing so, a person may suffer serious crushing injuries. These types of underride accidents can also happen along the sides of the truck.

Another type of common cause of car accident crushing injuries has to do with a vehicle striking a person. The risk of more severe and complicated injuries is much higher in these pedestrian accidents. The pedestrian may be crushed under the weight of the car.

Crushing Injuries Carry Serious Risk of Injury

It is not uncommon for people to be unsure what type of bone fracture they have after a car accident. However, crushing injuries often cause serious tissue and muscle damage. They may be very tender and painful, lead to swelling, and may bleed significantly. Many people will be unable to use that part of the body and will develop muscle weakness in the surrounding area.

Also, note that car accident crush injuries can also lead to complications. That includes life-threatening infections, amputations, and heart-rated outcomes from the pain and shock. Some people lose a limb as an outcome of their accident. Many will also suffer emotional trauma from such devastating accidents.

If you are in an accident in which your body was crushed in any way, seek out the legal guidance of the Phoenix injury lawyers at Sargon Law Group. If your family member is suffering this type of loss, we strongly encourage you to reach out to us to help you begin fighting back. Crushing injuries do not always improve fully, but we can begin fighting for your family members. Call us today for a free consultation.