What Are the “Beware of Dog” Sign Laws in California?
If someone’s dog has injured you, you may be wondering what your legal options are. One factor that may impact your case for compensation is the “beware of dog” sign laws in California. California generally holds owners accountable for any personal injuries caused by their dog–even if they have a “beware of dog” sign...
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Do You Have to Report a Dog Bite in Arizona?
If you or somebody you love is bitten by a dog in Arizona, do you have to report the incident to authorities? After a dog attack occurs, it is challenging to know what to do, particularly if you or somebody you love sustains an injury. In general, dog bite incidents should be reported, but...
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Arizona Laws When a Dog Bites Another Dog
According to statistics, around 12,480 people per year are hospitalized due to a dog bite injury. Animal-on-animal violence, though, is not reported in the same way and may even be missed by the owners. What happens when a dog bites another dog? If your pet was recently involved in a violent dog attack, you...
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Does Arizona Have Beware of Dog Sign Laws?
Nationally, it’s estimated that over 4 million dog bites occur each year, with around 880,000 of these situations requiring medical attention. Arizona has seen an increase in the number of dog incidents in recent years. If you are a victim of a bite, your ability to get compensation depends on the state’s ownership statutes...
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What Is the Arizona Pumpkin Law?
Social media is rarely a reliable source of legal information, so you may have dismissed posts and articles about an Arizona pumpkin law. Is it really illegal to leave pumpkins or jack-o'-lanterns on your porch? The truth is a little more complex. While there is no specific law against decorative pumpkins in Arizona, you...
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How Long After a Dog Bite Can You Sue in Arizona?
Like most people, you probably never imagined that a dog would bite you or a family member. Sadly, dog bite statistics around Maricopa County tell another story. In just five years, almost 2,500 people required serious medical treatment and almost 35,000 people had to visit the emergency room for dog bites in Arizona. How long after...
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What To Do If Your Neighbor’s Dog Bites You
Over 86 million families in the United States own pets, and the majority (58%) of homeowners own a dog. These numbers mean there’s a good chance one of your neighbors has a dog. Though many pets are friendly, some can attack unexpectedly. Do you know what to do if your neighbor’s dog bites you?...
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4 Common Legal Myths Debunked
You may hear dozens of common legal myths every day, both on TV and in advice from friends and family. That doesn't make these myths true, however. Legal misconceptions can put you on the wrong path and keep you from getting counsel that can help win your case. Here are four myths about common...
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What To Do After Getting a Dog Bite
Arizona saw 489 insurance claims for dog bites in 2021 and was number 10 in the nation for having the most reported dog bites. Dog attacks are usually sudden and traumatic, leaving victims in shock and wondering what they should do. The circumstances of every dog attack are different, but your recommended actions afterward remain...
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What Dog Owners Should Know About Dog Bite Laws
Owning a pet comes with great responsibility. Caring for a living being includes considering their nutrition and health needs, their general well-being, and also their behavior. This is especially true with dogs. As loyal and intelligent as they are, they also have natural animal instincts, and without training, some dogs can misjudge some people's...
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