Can I Get Disability After An Auto Accident in Arizona?
Auto accidents can result in life-altering injuries, leaving victims unable to work and facing a long recovery. Accident victims who can no longer work, or whose ability to work has diminished, often depend on disability benefits. If you’ve been seriously injured in an accident in Arizona, you may be asking: Can I get disability...
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What Is Gross Negligence?
If you are in the middle of a personal injury case, you may be wondering: What is gross negligence? This term refers to a severe lack of care or reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of others. Compared to ordinary negligence–which is a failure to exercise reasonable care–gross negligence has harsher legal consequences....
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What To Do After an Amazon Delivery Truck Accident
It’s a daily sight for many people: an Amazon truck headed down the street, carrying plenty of online orders. For many shoppers, Amazon has become an easy choice thanks to its wide variety of items, easy ordering and quick delivery. With dozens of Amazon fulfillment centers in Arizona and so many drivers making hundreds...
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7 Steps To Take Following a Not-At-Fault Accident in a Rental Car
It’s hard enough when someone hits your own car, but getting into a crash in a rental raises other concerns. Unfortunately, your odds of having an accident might increase in a rental, as Claims Journal reports that these vehicles experience a higher collision rate than non-rentals. As with other mishaps, you have the right...
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Difference Between Economic and Non-Economic Damages
Personal injury victims are often able to recover compensation from the individual or entity who caused them harm. If an injury victim's claim is successful, they are typically able to recover both economic and non-economic damages from the at-fault party or through an insurance settlement. Here, we want to examine the difference between economic...
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What Are Punitive Damages in a Personal Injury Case?
When a person sustains an injury caused by the negligent, intentional, or careless actions of another individual or entity, they may be able to recover monetary compensation through a lawsuit. In general, personal injury victims are able to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering damages, and more if...
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My Child Was Injured at School by Another Student: What To Know
"My child was injured at school by another student." No parent wants to experience this situation. Not only can it be traumatic for a child, but the issue at hand is complex from a legal standpoint, making it more difficult to seek compensation. Personal injury claims with adult plaintiffs and defendants are typically straightforward actions....
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How To Sue Someone for Loss of Enjoyment of Life
Can you imagine waking up every day for the rest of your life with back pain, or being a dancer who is now paralyzed and will never dance again? Imagine being a passionate woodworker and having your hands crushed. Serious accidents and injuries can often prevent someone from being able to enjoy their favorite...
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A Complete Guide to the Personal Injury Claim Process in Arizona
When one party harms another through negligence or bad intention, the person at fault is liable for the resulting damages. Victims of personal injuries in Arizona can access justice and compensation through the civil court system. However, the personal injury claim process is sometimes complex, especially in cases resulting in severe injuries and substantial...
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Unexpected Personal Injury Accidents
Accidents often happen when we least expect them. After all, rarely does someone start off their day imagining that they will get into a car accident, be attacked by a dog, or become the victim of assault. There are a myriad of ways that someone can be injured, and sometimes it is due to...
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