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How do lawyers negotiate settlements?

How Do Lawyers Negotiate Settlements?

If you sustain a personal injury in an accident caused by the negligence of another party, you deserve to receive suitable compensation in the form of a financial settlement. Pursuing a settlement is not a straightforward or automatic process, though. It is often necessary to go through extensive negotiations to secure satisfactory compensation, which...
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Can a lawsuit be reopened after settlement?

Can a Lawsuit Be Reopened After Settlement?

In most cases, a lawsuit cannot be reopened after settlement, though exceptions do exist. New circumstances can make it clear that you deserve more compensation than what the original settlement included. Knowing when a lawsuit can be reopened after settlement will ensure you can pursue the rightful outcome. What Happens After You Agree to...
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If a case is settled by agreement, can it be reopened?

If a Case Is Settled, Can It Be Reopened?

Settling a personal injury case can be a major relief, but what happens if you believe the settlement was unfair? If a case is settled, can it be reopened? We at Sargon Law Group have experience serving personal injury victims in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Colorado. Our guide may help you understand whether...
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How much will Medicare take from my settlement?

How Much Will Medicare Take From My Settlement in Arizona?

If you received a settlement after being in an accident in Arizona, you may be asking yourself: How much will Medicare take from my settlement? This is an important consideration, as it can significantly impact the amount you receive for your other injury needs. Here’s your guide to understanding how Medicare may affect your...
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