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Common Motorcycle Accident Causes

8 Common Motorcycle Accident Causes and How To Avoid Them

Many of Arizona’s motorcycle accidents happen in Maricopa County. In 2022, 1,906 bikers had accidents, accounting for more than half of Arizona’s motorcycle crashes that year. A motorcycle accident causes more than an inconvenience. Most result in injuries; some lead to fatalities. Everyone makes mistakes. Fortunately, many accidents are avoidable. These are eight of...
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Steps To Take Following a Degloved Foot Motorcycle Accident

One of the things that motorcyclists most dread is a degloved foot motorcycle accident. Degloving is a serious injury that has risky complications. If you are in an accident and experience such an injury, there are steps you should take to treat it, prevent more severe injuries, and perhaps receive compensation. What Constitutes a...
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Everything To Know About Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Arizona

The weather in Arizona makes motorcycle riding possible year-round. Unfortunately, there are over 2,300 motorcycle crashes yearly, with an average of 160 fatalities and 1,921 injuries. Riders typically wear helmets to prevent injuries and preserve life during an accident. However, Arizona motorcycle helmet laws don’t mandate this practice for all riders. The Origin of Motorcycle Helmet...
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Motorcycle Riding Safety Tips

Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating, but it can also be dangerous. Information available from the Arizona Department of Transportation shows that there were nearly 2,600 total motorcycle collisions across the state during the most recent reporting year on file. Arizona motorcyclists can take the steps necessary to remain safe on the roadways, and...
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Why Is Wearing a Helmet So Important For Motorcyclists?

The state of Arizona only requires helmets for motorcyclists under the age of 18. However, we strongly encourage all motorcycle operators and passengers in the state of Arizona to wear a DOT-approved helmet at all times. Motorcycle helmets prevent severe head and facial injuries, and they can significantly reduce the chances a person will...
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Do You Need a Motorcycle License in Arizona?

The mild temperature in Maricopa County during the winter allows for recreational driving and activities that are not possible in other states with cooler weather. The 12-month average temperature for Maricopa County peaks at 72.1 degrees Fahrenheit, and precipitation is low during the cooler months. As thousands of Arizonans take to the road to...
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How To Find a Public Transportation Lawyer in Arizona

The number of public transit accidents reported in the United States during 2020 was 5,175. That may not seem like a lot at first glance, but consider the fact that each public transit accident can potentially result in multiple injuries to multiple people. If you become injured in a public transportation accident or incident,...
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Determining Fault in a Motorcycle Accident

It's no secret that motorcycles are more dangerous than standard automobiles. While it's easier to end up in a crash, it's also easier to fall victim to others' negligence. If you've been in a motorcycle accident, you may wonder how insurance companies determine fault. This depends on many factors. Here's what might happen after...
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What Can You Do To Prevent an Accident?

A car accident can be a life-changing event. A brain injury or spinal cord injury caused by a tragic accident can have long-lasting repercussions, and fatal collisions have risen steadily since 2011. While it's easy to let your attention lapse when driving, heeding the road ahead can keep you safe. Here's how to prevent...
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Learning How To Find a Lawyer: 10 Steps

With more than 15,000 lawyers in Arizona, you might find it overwhelming to select just one to hire, and you may not be sure when circumstances merit an attorney. For average Americans, a lawyer or attorney is more of an abstract concept — something they know about but have little experience with. Therefore, when...
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