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5 Safety Tips to Prevent Construction Accidents

Construction sites can be incredibly hazardous, and even though workers and construction companies alike take safety measures, accidents may still occur. Contacting our Phoenix personal injury attorneys will allow those injured to get the compensation they deserve. Here, we want to examine five safety tips to help prevent construction accidents. Even though you have...
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Most Common Worker’s Compensation Injuries

Work injuries are not uncommon in Arizona and throughout the rest of the country. In most situations, individuals are able to recover compensation for their medical bills and some lost wages if they are unable to return to work while recovering. Here, our Phoenix worker's compensation lawyers give a brief overview of the most...
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How Do I Know If I Have the Right Type of Car Insurance?

Auto accidents are among the most common causes of serious injuries and property damage in the United States. In 2021, there were over 120,000 car crashes in Arizona, resulting in over 35,000 injuries and more than 1,000 deaths. Safe driving practices can reduce your chance of getting in an accident; however, driving is never...
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Handling the Aftermath of a Multi-Vehicle Accident: 8 Things To Consider

There were over 100,000 multi-vehicle crashes in Arizona during 2021, injuring over 40,000 people. In-depth investigations are necessary to determine fault for these collisions, and obtaining compensation for your injuries takes time. If you sustain injuries in a car accident, you may face mounting medical bills with no income during your recovery. You must also file...
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Medical Malpractice vs. Negligence: Is There a Difference?

Though healthcare providers should work to improve the lives of their patients, sometimes medical treatments go awry and patients can suffer serious consequences. When these consequences occur because medical providers failed to provide appropriate care, patients may be able to recover compensation for their injuries. Understanding medical malpractice vs negligence and how it may...
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What Damages Can You Recover After a DUI Accident?

Sustaining an injury or property damage in an accident caused by a drunk driver is a terrifying experience. According to information provided by the Arizona Department of Transportation, we can see there were more than 5,600 total alcohol-related crashes during the most recent reporting year across the state. Out of these incidents, there were...
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Ladder Accidents: What To Do If You’re Injured

Many workers use ladders daily to accomplish their jobs. Ladder accidents cause hundreds of thousands of injuries each year, and falls from ladders are the leading cause of construction site fatalities. Do you know what to do if you or a loved one sustains an injury in a ladder accident? Sargon Law Group explains....
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Finding a Car Accident Attorney in Mesa AZ: Everything You Need To Know

Car accidents happen without warning, often leaving victims with injuries and financial difficulties. Maricopa County, AZ, saw almost 87,000 motor vehicle crashes in 2021, injuring over 35,000 and killing almost 600. Although liable insurance companies should pay adequate compensation willingly, not many do. Victims often call a car accident attorney in Mesa, AZ, for legal assistance....
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What To Expect From a Broken Bone Car Accident Settlement

Given the vulnerability of the human body in a car accident, it is no surprise that broken bones are a common occurrence. When someone else's negligence causes the injury, an injured person in Maricopa County, Arizona, has the right to seek compensation for their losses. A broken bone car accident settlement should cover the...
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6 Common Types of Brain Injury From a Car Accident

Car accidents happen daily on Arizona roads, and one particularly severe consequence of these incidents is traumatic brain injury. Our experienced Phoenix personal injury attorneys understand how any injury to the brain injury after a car accident is a serious matter, which is why car accident victims need immediate treatment, even if there are...
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