Paraplegic vs Quadriplegic: Understanding the Difference
There are some injuries that can change the course of a person's life, and paralysis is one of them. It is a drastic shift for a person who had full use of their body to learn to live without key abilities. When looking at paralysis, there are two main types: paraplegic vs quadriplegic. Paraplegic...
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Do You Need a Motorcycle License in Arizona?
The mild temperature in Maricopa County during the winter allows for recreational driving and activities that are not possible in other states with cooler weather. The 12-month average temperature for Maricopa County peaks at 72.1 degrees Fahrenheit, and precipitation is low during the cooler months. As thousands of Arizonans take to the road to...
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What To Know About the Arizona Lane Splitting Law
Due to recent changes in the law, Arizona is now giving motorcycle riders a little extra room when traveling down the road. Is Lane Splitting Legal in Arizona? No, lane splitting is not legal in Arizona, but lane filtering became legal in Arizona on September 24, 2022. Unlike lane splitting, where the motorcycle moves...
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6 Arizona Boating Laws To Be Aware Of
Boating is a favorite summer pastime for many Arizonans. When you're on the water, though, your safety and the safety of others depend on the smart use of boats and boating equipment. As with traffic and motor vehicle laws, Arizona has laws covering boating that define the most necessary precautions you must take. If...
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Who Has the Right of Way in a Parking Lot?
Navigating a crowded parking lot can be a frustrating and sometimes dangerous experience for drivers. Every year, tens of thousands of parking lot crashes lead to thousands of injuries and hundreds of deaths. Determining who is to blame for a parking lot accident is a complex problem and often hinges on who has the...
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What Happens When a Bicycle Hits a Car?
Cycling is a popular sport in Arizona due to good weather almost year-round. Unfortunately, this also means that car-bike accidents happen. It seems obvious that if a car hits a bicyclist, the court will consider the driver liable. Have you ever wondered, though, what happens when a bicycle hits a car? What Happens When...
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What Is a Strict Liability Tort?
If you are not a lawyer, you probably think of a tort as a delicious dessert. However, a tort is also a legal term that refers to something someone did or failed to do that caused injury to someone else. A strict liability tort is a specific type of tort. What is Strict Liability...
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What To Do If You’re Involved in a Sideswipe Collision
A sideswipe collision can occur in a variety of ways and involve two or more parties. Sometimes the consequences are little more than a few scratches on your vehicle. Other times, you could suffer substantial losses, including devastating injuries and significant financial and emotional repercussions. In Arizona, you have the right to hold the...
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Passenger in Car Accident Settlement: What To Expect
If you’re a passenger who’s been involved in a car accident in Arizona, you may be wondering what to do next. The first thing you need to ensure is your own health, so go to the hospital or a medical professional who can assess your injuries. After you’ve taken care of that, you may...
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Is Arizona a No Fault State?
Arizona is one of 38 states, plus the District of Columbia, that applies a fault-based system to auto accidents. Therefore, Arizona is not a no fault state. If you suffered an injury due to another driver's negligence, you have the right to file a claim with the careless driver's insurance company in Arizona. A...
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