Road Rage Accidents in Phoenix

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We’ve all gotten frustrated on the roadways, but when that frustration boils over to real, unmitigated anger, deadly accidents can occur. Road rage accidents can become incredibly complicated injury claims, regardless of whether or not you are counting on an insurance settlement or filing a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault party. We strongly encourage road rage victims to reach out to a car accident lawyer in Phoenix who can walk them through this process from beginning to end and help secure the compensation they need.

Road Rage accidents in Phoenix

What is Road Rage?

Road rage involves extreme, aggressive behavior by a driver, which can include verbal outbursts, physical gestures, and deliberate acts of dangerous driving aimed at intimidating or harming others. Unlike standard aggressive driving, road rage is characterized by intentional actions that pose a serious risk to others on the road.

Common examples of road rage include:

  • Tailgating or following another car too closely out of anger.
  • Cutting off other vehicles as an act of retaliation.
  • Yelling, honking excessively, or making obscene gestures at other drivers.
  • Deliberately hitting or sideswiping another vehicle.
  • Forcing another vehicle off the road by swerving or blocking lanes.

These actions not only increase the risk of a crash but can also escalate into physical confrontations between drivers. 

Arizona Laws on Road Rage

In Arizona, road rage is treated as a serious offense under the state’s reckless driving and aggressive driving laws. According to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) § 28-693, reckless driving is defined as operating a vehicle with a disregard for the safety of others, which includes road rage behaviors like speeding, tailgating, and weaving through traffic.

Additionally, ARS § 28-695 addresses aggressive driving, which occurs when a driver commits two or more moving violations, such as speeding or running red lights, while creating an immediate hazard to other motorists. In cases where road rage leads to injury or death, the at-fault driver could face even more severe criminal penalties, including assault charges.

From a civil perspective, victims of road rage accidents in Arizona may pursue a personal injury claim to recover compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and emotional distress. Establishing that the at-fault driver was engaged in road rage behavior can strengthen your case and increase the likelihood of recovering damages.

Proving Liability in a Road Rage Accident

Proving that a road rage incident caused the accident and your injuries can be challenging, but it is essential for recovering compensation. In Arizona, you will need to establish that the other driver’s reckless or intentional actions led to the accident. Key pieces of evidence that can help prove liability in a road rage case include:

  • Police reports. When road rage is involved in a crash, law enforcement may charge the at-fault driver with reckless driving or aggressive driving. The police report from the scene of the accident can provide valuable information about the driver’s behavior and whether any citations were issued.
  • Eyewitness testimony. Witnesses who saw the other driver’s road rage behaviors, such as tailgating or cutting off vehicles, can provide testimony that supports your claim.
  • Dashcam footage or surveillance video. Video evidence can be critical in road rage cases. If you have a dashcam or if nearby traffic cameras captured the incident, this footage can clearly show the other driver’s aggressive actions.
  • Driver’s criminal history. If the at-fault driver has a history of reckless driving or road rage incidents, this could be used to establish a pattern of dangerous behavior that contributed to the accident.

Your attorney can help gather and analyze this evidence to build a strong case, sometimes with assistance from accident reconstruction experts, against the at-fault driver. In many cases, aggressive drivers will deny their role in the accident, making it even more important to have concrete evidence of their road rage.

Contact an Arizona Car Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in a road rage accident, it is crucial to seek legal help today. Road rage cases can be complex, and proving liability often requires a thorough investigation and gathering of evidence. At Sargon Law Group, our Phoenix injury lawyers have the experience needed to navigate these challenging cases and help you recover the compensation you deserve. Reach out to us by filling out our contact form or calling (623) 552-2571 for a free consultation.