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After a car crash, one of your main concerns will likely be how to get around without your vehicle. You might choose to get a rental car, but it is not always straightforward to figure out who pays for a rental car after an accident. Insurance will usually cover it, but determining which insurer is responsible can be challenging.

How To Get a Rental Car After an Accident

Who pays for rental car after accident?

Getting a rental car in Arizona is simple. You can visit a local rental car agency or reserve a rental online. All you need is your driver’s license and either a credit/debit card or proof of insurance.

The Arizona Department of Insurance & Financial Institutions explains that auto insurance in the state operates on an at-fault basis. This means that if you have an accident and the other person is at fault, their insurance should pay for your rental car. If no one else is at fault, your insurance will cover the cost after you pay the deductible.

Establishing Liability in a Car Accident

If you have medical bills and rental car expenses after your accident, you deserve compensation for those costs from the person who caused your accident. Liability is what determines who pays for a rental car after an accident. 

Not only is the at-fault driver liable for your property damage, but they must also compensate you for any injuries you sustained in the accident. Some car accident injuries take longer to appear, though. 

While some injuries, such as concussions or internal bleeding, can take several days to become apparent, other conditions like PTSD may not surface for months. You are eligible to receive compensation for any injuries that directly result from the accident.

However, if you file a personal injury claim, you bear the burden of proving the other party’s fault and liability. This process typically involves collecting strong evidence, such as police reports, photos of property damage and witness statements.

Hiring a Lawyer After a Car Accident

Can my lawyer help me get a rental car after an accident?

Even if you were in a minor car accident and got a rental car after without any issue, seeking legal assistance early on can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim. Car accidents often cause more than just physical damage, and you may still have medical bills and lost wages.

A Phoenix car accident attorney at Sargon Law Group can help you maximize the value of your settlement by:

  • Investigating the cause of your accident
  • Evaluating your claim using medical records, rental car receipts and other documentation
  • Collecting evidence to establish the other party’s liability
  • Negotiating with insurance companies
  • Taking your case to court if you decide to sue

Call a Phoenix, AZ, Car Accident Attorney Today

At Sargon Law Group, we understand the frustration of trying to find out who pays for a rental car after an accident, along with managing the many other costs that car accidents inevitably cause. We want to relieve you of that frustration while you focus on returning to your normal daily life. Contact us today for a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help injured drivers across Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and California.