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How long does a car accident settlement take?

How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take?

Experiencing a car crash can cause significant disruptions in your daily life. You deserve suitable compensation from the at-fault driver so you can return to normalcy as soon as possible. This raises the question: How long does a car accident settlement take? A car accident settlement can take anywhere from just a few months...
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What are the most common types of truck accidents?

The 7 Most Common Types of Truck Accidents

Many motorists place a lot of faith in truck drivers, believing that they are less likely to make a mistake because they are professionals. Truck drivers and trucking companies can absolutely cause an accident, though, and the consequences can be devastating. Knowing the most common types of truck accidents can help keep you safe...
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Who pays for rental car after accident?

Who Pays for a Rental Car After an Accident?

After a car crash, one of your main concerns will likely be how to get around without your vehicle. You might choose to get a rental car, but it is not always straightforward to figure out who pays for a rental car after an accident. Insurance will usually cover it, but determining which insurer...
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Does renters insurance cover personal injury?

Does Renters Insurance Cover Personal Injury?

Renters insurance can provide coverage for personal injuries, but its scope depends on the circumstances. Generally, renters insurance covers injuries to guests or other individuals on the rental property but does not cover injuries to the tenants themselves.  Understanding the extent of this coverage—knowing what is and isn’t included—is important if someone gets in...
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What does "motion of writ" mean in a car accident?

What Does ‘Motion of Writ’ Mean in a Car Accident Legal Case?

When dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, you may encounter unfamiliar legal terms and processes. For example, what does "motion of writ" mean in a car accident case? Learn how motions of writ work, why you may need one and when they become an asset in your accident claim. What Is a...
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What if my medical bills are more than my settlement?

What If Your Medical Bills Are More Than Your Settlement?

When you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company, the first thing you should do is make sure it will fully cover all of your damages, even future expenses. If the settlement amount seems low, a couple of pressing questions may race through your mind: What if my medical bills are more than...
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How long after a car accident can you sue?

How Long After a Car Accident Can You Sue?

When someone else causes a car accident, you have the right to sue them if you suffered any injuries or property damage. You can initiate legal action almost immediately, but you may wish to take some time to fully rest and recover after your accident first. But how long after a car accident can...
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How to file a wrongful death lawsuit?

How To File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Losing a loved one in an accident is an overwhelming tragedy. No one should have to face the burden of learning how to file a wrongful death lawsuit while mourning. Unfortunately, time is of the essence when it comes to securing the full amount of compensation your family deserves. That is why our team...
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Is road rage a criminal offense?

Is Road Rage a Criminal Offense?

When most people think of road rage, they imagine aggravated drivers yelling through the window or making rude gestures. In reality, though, road rage also involves very dangerous driving behavior that can cause devastating accidents.  If you are on the receiving end of this behavior, you may wonder if road rage is a criminal...
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When to hire a personal injury lawyer​?

When To Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

The hours, days and weeks following a serious accident can be full of difficult decisions. You want to make the right choices so you can get your life back on track and hold the liable party accountable, but this can be difficult to do alone. It is important to know when to hire a...
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