Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Accidents in Phoenix

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Whether it is along I-17 or another busy stretch of roadway, multi-vehicle pile-up accidents can happen throughout the Phoenix area. When they do, they can cause numerous injuries and significant financial loss. They can also make it very challenging for insurance companies and victims to determine who is to blame.

If you are in such an accident, working with a local attorney could be critical to preserving your right to compensation. Do not assume the insurance company and the police will protect you through this legal process. Talk to a Phoenix car accident attorney from Sargon Law Group today.

Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Accidents

Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Accidents Are Common

Accidents involving multiple vehicles are not uncommon. Data shared by the Arizona Department of Transportation indicates that over 100,000 such vehicles were involved in such accidents in 2022. That year, over 830 people died in such accidents. These accidents are often very serious because they involve numerous collisions, fast-moving vehicles, and significant force.

What makes them different and more complex is that when there are three or more vehicles involved, the impact of injuries and losses is far higher. Each time another vehicle strikes the pile-up, more damage occurs. It is also far more complex to dig out from these situations than many may expect.

How Fault Is Determined in Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Accidents

Determining who is at fault in a multi-vehicle pile-up accident takes significant work and careful consideration. Generally, the first step is for an on-site police officer to document the details of the accident, including all factors that caused the initial strike and what happened afterward. It is critical to think of each accident as a separate investigation, showing that it can take multiple days for decisions on fault to become available.

Your car accident attorney will also conduct an investigation to determine who is at fault. This could include more than one person. In all situations, your attorney’s job is to fully analyze what occurred. Using witness information, expert data, and accident reconstruction, your attorney’s team will be able to develop a clear indication of fault.

Some of the evidence available may include:

  • Traffic camera footage
  • Medical records of those involved in the accident
  • Any truck data that may be available, such as in a black box log of what occurred
  • Phone records of drivers
  • Data from police and accident reports
  • Witness statements

The more information that is available, the better, but that can also slow down the process. With multi-vehicle pile-up accidents, it is wise not to rush to file a claim until you are confident you know all parties responsible for your losses and what those losses are.

Multi-Vehicle Pile-Up Accidents Create Serious Injuries

It is likely that a pile-up accident will create numerous injuries for those involved. Some can be severe, including:

After such an accident, seek medical care. Ensure you are doing everything you can to recover from your injuries and track the losses you have.

Prepare Yourself with the Help of an Attorney

With the guidance of a car accident attorney, you can learn more about your legal rights after being a victim of such an accident. Multi-vehicle pile-up accidents are often quite complex, but an experienced legal team can alleviate your frustrations and help you get the answers to the questions you deserve. Call the Phoenix injury attorneys at Sargon Law Group today to schedule a free consultation with a Phoenix car accident attorney.