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When an employee in Arizona sustains a workplace injury or illness, they are typically able to recover compensation for medical expenses, most of their lost wages if they cannot work, and various disability benefits (if applicable). Understanding the workers’ compensation laws in Arizona is important for those who pursue these claims, but we encourage any person who has been harmed on the job to reach out to an attorney who can help them through this process.

Arizona Workers’ Compensation Laws

A Workplace Injury or Illness – What You Need to Know

When a person sustains a work injury or illness in Arizona, they should report it to their supervisor or employer quickly. Injury victims should notify their employer of the injury or illness within 15 days of when it occurs or from when they realize the injury or illness was caused a work-related duty. 

Overall, the workers’ compensation statute of limitations in Arizona is one year from when the employer received notification of the injury or illness. Place injury or illness victims who fail to file their claim within this time frame will likely not be able to recover compensation for their losses.

This overall time frame does not apply to third-party personal injury lawsuits associated with the workplace injury. In these situations, the two-year personal injury statute of limitations applies.

Types of Arizona Workers’ Compensation Benefits Available

Individuals may be able to receive specific types of benefits related to their work injury or illness. This includes coverage of their medical expenses, temporary or permanent disability benefits, vocational rehab, and death benefits.

  1. Medical coverages. Work injury or illness victims should be able to receive complete coverage of medical expenses we’re covered. Individuals will receive treatment from a physician throughout the duration of their recovery process, and the physician’s recommendations will guide their treatment needs. Also included in medical expense payments are surgical needs, physical therapy and rehabilitation, medical devices, prescription medications, and more. Medical benefits will continue until a physician determines a person has reached maximum medical recovery, which is the point where any additional medical care will unlikely change the patient’s outcome.
  2. Temporary disability benefits. If an individual is unable to work for eight or more calendar days, they will be able to receive temporary disability benefits. These benefits are designed to compensate an individual for approximately 2/3 of their average monthly wage. Individuals must be out of work for eight days before becoming eligible for these benefits, but they may be able to retroactively replace wages from the first seven days as well.
  3. Permanent disability benefits. Individuals who sustain permanent injuries as a result of a workplace incident may be able to receive permanent disability benefits. The total amount of compensation a person receives depends on the severity of the injury and the type of disability. There are scheduled and unscheduled injuries, and we encourage you to speak to your Phoenix workers’ comp attorney about your particular situation.
  4. Vocational rehabilitation benefits. If an individual’s workplace injury or illness prevents them from returning to the same type of work, they may need to retrain or receive education in order to qualify for another job. Vocational rehabilitation benefits are available for these purposes.
  5. Death benefits. If a workplace injury or illness leads to a person’s death, then their family members may be entitled to death benefits.

Speak to a Work Injury Lawyer in Arizona

If you have sustained a workplace injury or illness and are worried about your ability to recover compensation, we encourage you to speak to an injury attorney in Phoenix, AZ as soon as possible. A work injury lawyer in Arizona can help you understand your best options moving forward. They will examine the facts of your claim and help you handle conversations with insurance carriers or any appeals needed.