When most people think of road rage, they imagine aggravated drivers yelling through the window or making rude gestures. In reality, though, road rage also involves very dangerous driving behavior that can cause devastating accidents.
If you are on the receiving end of this behavior, you may wonder if road rage is a criminal offense and if you can press charges.
Is Road Rage Illegal in Arizona?

Road rage is a crime, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety. They describe road rage as “an assault with a motor vehicle or other dangerous weapon by the operator or passenger(s) of another motor vehicle or an assault precipitated by an incident that occurred on a roadway.”
This means that you can press charges for road rage in Arizona if you can prove the other driver acted with disregard for your safety. However, our team of Phoenix auto accident attorneys at Sargon Law Group also serve injured people in New Mexico, Colorado and California, where the laws are slightly different.
There is no specific law against road rage in New Mexico, but drivers can receive charges for reckless driving or assault. In Colorado, road rage is a felony if the driver is “menacing” another person by making them feel the threat of danger or death. California is another state that does not have specific criminal road rage laws, but the state’s DMV can suspend a person’s license if they are driving aggressively or dangerously in a way that’s often linked to road rage.
How Is Road Rage Different From Aggressive Driving?
The intent behind the behavior is what makes aggressive driving different from road rage. Aggressive driving is reckless and habitual – such as speeding, tailgating or weaving through traffic – without targeting anyone specifically.
In contrast, road rage is deliberate and directed, such as yelling at another driver, intentionally cutting them off or using a vehicle to intimidate or harm someone. That is why you can get arrested for road rage and face very serious consequences.
Should You Hire a Lawyer After a Road Rage Incident?

If someone’s road rage caused you injuries or property damage, you have the right to seek compensation. The personal injury lawyers at Sargon Law Group can help you file a civil claim and guide you through the entire process. We will negotiate with the other driver’s insurance company and explore every avenue to maximize the value of your settlement.
To pursue a personal injury claim, you’ll need to show that you suffered damages and that the other driver’s actions directly caused them. If you didn’t have measurable damages but still felt threatened by the aggressive driver’s actions, you might consider pressing criminal charges instead.
Call Sargon Law Group After Your Road Rage Accident
At Sargon Law Group, our car accident attorneys in Phoenix, AZ, are dedicated to holding negligent drivers accountable after a road rage criminal offense. We proudly represent people across Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and California in their journey to reach a favorable outcome after a life-altering accident. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.